How to Create a Writing Ritual Using Candles

March 06, 2019

How to Create a Writing Ritual Using Candles

How to Create a Writing Ritual

Set a Writing Ritual Using Candles

We’ve all been there before, we tell ourselves we’ll write tomorrow, or next week or really next month because things have gotten really crazy around the house lately. Blink and it’s been months since you’ve sat down to work on your novel.

You promise yourself, this time it will be different! I’ll write every day, just like a "real" writer. Then, you don’t and you feel guilty again.

Let’s start this off by stating that everyone is different, everyone writes differently and everyone has their own way of getting things done. All you can do is set yourself up for success and find the thing that works for you.

Maybe that’s 30 minutes every morning before you go to your 9-5. Maybe it’s burning the midnight oil for an hour before your head hits that pillow. Maybe you squeeze it in on the weekend or between classes. Find a time and a frequency that works for you and stick to it the best you can.

A great way to set yourself up with a good writing habit is by having a writing ritual. A writing ritual is just something that you do consistently to get yourself in the writing mindset. When you do your ritual, your brain knows it’s time to get down to business.

Writing Rituals:

  • Pour a glass of tea (or coffee if it’s early)
  • Light a candle
  • Play a dedicated writing playlist
  • Get out your notebook and favorite pen
  • Sit down where you always write

All of the above can be part of your writing ritual, or even just one thing! I’m going to focus on lighting a candle today as it’s one of my favorite ways to get into the writing mindset

Light the Candle

Imagine: You fire up your laptop, scoot into your desk chair, take a long sip of your iced latte and you light your candle. You are ready to write.

I like to use a specific candle for the book I’m writing. Smells often have memories attached to them and what I’m doing is making that connection every time I light the wick. It’s also kind of a neat way to track time, to see how far my book has gotten compared to how much candle is left.

Your candle choice can also be important. Of course, picking a scent you personally like is a great way to get excited about writing. I’ve also heard that citrus and peppermint wake up your senses and are good for morning writers.

Make a Habit

So when do writing rituals form a habit? I’m no doctor, so I really can’t tell you or make any promises. However, I have heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, so I would give it at least that long. Show up, sit down, light a candle and write. Give yourself some stickers or checkmarks on a calendar to track the habit. See how you feel at the end of 21 days, hopefully, you’re ready to keep going!

Do you use candles in your writing ritual? If so, what are your favorite candle scents? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Writing Friends!

- Kristen 

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