Create a Draw Everyday Jar

June 18, 2020

Create a Draw Everyday Jar

You all already know that creating a habit and practicing your creative skill every day is what leads to the most improvement. If you want to get better at drawing, draw, draw, draw! The same goes for writing, painting, lettering, etc.

The biggest thing that keeps me from practicing these skills every day is that I have no idea what to draw! I’m sure you’ve been there. You set aside the dedicated time to practice (another important step), but then you stare at the blank page and the time you’ve allotted yourself is up.

So, I’m here to bring you my secret weapon! It is cheap and is so quick to make and will give you endless ideas for when you sit down at your desk to practice.

The Draw Everyday Jar!

Please feel free to replace the word draw with what you’re trying to get better at by instilling a daily practice.

So, what do you need?

  • A jar (or cup, or bucket or basket, literally anything that can hold stuff)
  • A sheet of paper, or a few
  • A pen
  • Your imagination or an internet connection
  • Scissors (be careful)

That’s it, you should have pretty much everything lying around your house.


  1. Cut paper into small strips you can write on
  2. Write the ideas or prompts on the paper
  3. Fold the paper up
  4. Place paper in the jar
  5. Set the jar near wherever you will be doing your daily practice

Where to Find Ideas

  • Things you love (plants, food, animals)
  • Household items (kitchen supplies, office supplies, makeup)
  • Lettering artists, try WTF Should I Letter by Lauren Hom
  • Search Pinterest for writing prompts
  • Search Instagram for art challenges
  • Brain dump anything and everything and pick things you like

Now, when you sit down to draw, you won’t draw a blank (ha) on what to start working on. If you happen to pick a piece from the jar that you don’t feel like drawing that day, no worries! Just put it back, give it a shake, and draw a new one.

It’s so simple, it takes maybe an hour, and you have a jar of inspiration for whenever you need it. I did 100 things to draw when I created mine, but maybe you want 365 for the entire year, or perhaps you want to start with just 30 for the month. It’s whatever you want it to be.

Happy Creating!

xx Kristen

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